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Warm light rain falls, trickled down by tear-drops on my window and I long for you, my unattainable.Unknown

Josie, you were a miracle from the very first day - you were love made flesh. When we first found out about you, we were so amazed and overjoyed. We held you in our hearts and in our thoughts for nine months - so many plans we made for you. Daddy loved to feel you moving about, and I was just so happy to have you in me, growing like our little "Rocket Bean" - that's what we called you before we knew you were a girl. Daddy would talk to you and later he would put his ear against my belly to feel your heartbeat. He was so proud.

We will love you forever, and the day we got to meet you was both tragic and beautiful. Tragic because we lost you; beautiful because we got to see how much you looked like us and how completely beautiful you were all by yourself. We held you for hours and hours. I held you overnight and slept with you in my arms, so peacefully. When I awoke in the morning you just looked as though you were asleep. You were far from us by then - far, far away in peace and very soundly dreaming of things I will never know. I said goodbye at 10.30 in the morning, and let your little body go - but you will live forever in the deepest part of my heart; Daddy's heart, and in the hearts of all the people who ever saw your face. We love you so very, very much.

Josie Jae Eytcheson was born on the 10th of October 2008, at 7.54am, weighing 6lb, 6oz an 19.5 inches long. She was absolutely perfect in every way. Before her birth a sudden complete placental abruption happened, leading to her not getting the oxygen she needed and passing away very quickly and peacefully. Though the talented and wonderful staff at Albert Lea Medical Center did their best to save Josie via immediate emergency cesarean section, she had been without oxygen for too long. Her birth story is featured as the second post of Jay's blog, the address at the bottom of this page.

She is survived by Dad Harry, Mom Jay, Sister Aurora and Brother Devin as well as many aunts, uncles and two sets of grandparents. She joins her sister Alauna Marie, born and died in May of 2000. She was and is loved unconditionally.

Recently, Jay started keeping a blog on the aftermath, dealing with the death of her daughter and living on. Jay and Harry hope to add Josie's little brother or sister to their brood soon. The blog can be followed here: - please copy and paste into your browser as links currently do not work.
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Josie with Mommy and Daddy Josie's Feet Josie 2 Josie 1 Josie with Mommy and Daddy (2) Josie 7 Josie 4 Josie with Daddy
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