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Mom of Sgt Freeman Gardner Angel Hugs to YOU! March 29, 2010

Barbara She's beautiful August 30, 2009

Josie you are so beautiful.  I never met you, but I know you were loved as much as any child could be.  You mama is a wonderful lady and I know she misses you so much.  Jay I hope and pray that your new baby will be healthy and safe. I know he or she will be just as beautiful as Josie.

My heart goes out to you.

Heartmama What a beautiful baby June 11, 2009


I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter Josie. Thank you for sharing her with us. The lovely photos of her will brighten the day of countless strangers. She will touch many hearts. Peace to you.

momtoS sorry May 26, 2009


I am a visitor from MDC. Your daughter, Josie, is a beautiful baby. Sorry you have to carry her in your heart and not in your arms......

Katie Praying for you January 8, 2009
I am so sorry for the loss of your  beautiful little girl,
I am praying for you and your family
Samantha Prayers for you January 7, 2009
Josie is such a beautiful princess, and I am looking forward to meeting her in Heaven one day.  I feel priviledged to have been able to "meet" her through reading her story and looking at her beautiful pictures.  May God hold you in the palm of His hand as your broken heart starts to heal.
Lorie So Sorry January 7, 2009
I am so sorry for your loss, her pictures are so beautiful, and you are right, it's like she was just asleep. I pray that you will never have to go through this again......God is with you, and loves you.
Kristina My heartfelt words January 6, 2009
I don't know what to say other than one day, you will meet your little beauty in heaven and she will be joyful and full of grace. This is so unfair and I weap at your loss. Josie is a beautiful little angel. As one mama to another, much love and peace be upon you! My heart is utterly broken on your behalf and my prayers are overextended to you and your family! As a wife, I pray for your rock, your husband. What would we do without them? May peace flow freely through him. And for you children, past, present, future--May their hearts be softened and open to understanding and peace as well. I pray that you all accept and extend forgiveness and embrace that Josie is your peaceful and guiding angel.

May the Lord Bless and keep you now and forever and may this never happen again!
With Love in Christ,
Kristina Seawell
MDC mama
Pammy In Gods hands November 19, 2008

I can't even express the saddness that you are all going through. The pictures of your beautiful daughter Josie are just so wonderful. I want to also thank you for sharing her with us. God bless you all!And again keep the faith.

Kate A fellow VJ member October 31, 2008

You have beautiful children- all three of them.


May you all support each other during this heart breaking time.


Josie was lucky to have been born to you - she will be with you always.


Best from another mother.


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