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Kiki Sorry October 30, 2008
I'm so sorry for your loss....Bless your little angel and you too......
Rayma VJ Member October 29, 2008

I feel at a loss for words right now.  Your baby daughter is very beautiful.... daughter's are such a wonderful gift.  I'm so glad you had the time with her that you did and that your heart is full of love for her. 


My thoughts are with you and your family and I hope you can heal in time. 


Take care of yourself and may peace come to you.



V Vj's October 29, 2008
I am so sorry for your loss.
I don't know you in person,just read your post on VJ.
Again I am very sorry.
Cat A Gift October 29, 2008
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. She was truly a gift from heaven. God bless.
Kat So sorry October 29, 2008

I am sorry for your loss. I do feel your pain. It made me cry to see her pictures, she is such a beautiful baby girl. Big hugs for you.

dana Peace To You October 28, 2008

What a beautiful memorial to beautiful angel. May God guide you through your grief, and bless you and yours with more angels!


My prayers are with you,


Former vj member

Vhi A Fellow VJ mem: 'my_destiny' October 28, 2008
Im really sorry for your loss. She is an angel and very beautiful. Seeing all her pictures made me cry. I'm in my 38 weeks of pregnancy now. We'll pray for you and for her soul but I'm sure, she is watching you every minute. God Bless!
Lili From VJ October 28, 2008
I am so sorry for your pain.

She is beautiful, may this angel protect you.
Margy VJ member October 28, 2008
Jayjay and Harry,

Josie is so beautiful, my heartfelt sympathy to you both.
Love and hugs

Margy and Johnxx
Khalidah A Fellow VJ'er member October 28, 2008
She is beautifull! You were truly blessed to have had her for that short time.
I could feel every emotion that you went through as I viewed you pictures. I have two kidnapped children and don't know whether they are alive or...

So though its not the same situation, I know....

Be blessed and take it one day at a time.
Love, Khalidah
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