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Melanie so sorry October 27, 2008
I'm so sorry my best friends. We loved her too. We were so excited about Josie--she's beautiful. I cried all day the day I found out and all you could do my sweet best friend Jay is think of how i was doing, if I was going to be okay--I know you were thankful every day you were blessed to carry her inside you. Sweet Josie is in our hearts forever, and don't forget we're always here for you and we know how you feel--we really know. I'm so so sorry, words cannot describe how much love we have for you and Josie--
Alison From MDC October 26, 2008

Josie is beautiful. The love you have for her is in etched in every picture. Many hugs to you and her father, I'm so sorry you have to know this grief. (((hugs)))

Shannon :( October 24, 2008

The page you made for Josie is beautiful, just like she is!  I'm so sorry that you've had to go through this - I'm sorry for all of us in the journey with you.  I hope we never have to feel sadness like the loss of a child again..  all we have are those 9 months of great memories with our babies, it's wonderful to cherish them.  Sending many hugs your way!

Amy Coming from mdc October 24, 2008
Made me cry, your daughter is so beautiful.  Hugs. 
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