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Jay Bowyer
So many are just a few...

  • Thinking we'd dress you up as a bee for Halloween and kind of hoping you'd come early because of that...
  • Making your crib up a week before you were born, choosing the sheets and the blankets and hanging up the little butterfly which twinkled and played a tune when you pulled it's tail...
  • Washing all your clothes and sorting them out into different styles...putting your socks into pairs and now knowing half of them wouldn't have fit you anyway because you had such long feet...
  • Thinking about next summer and the clothes you'd wear then...
  • Feeling your little butt in my ribs every day...
  • Feeling you turn over quickly and having to make a noise because it was so sudden and laughing because you tickled me...
  • Wondering what you'd look like...knowing you'd look like me and Daddy both...seeing we were right when you were born...
  • Holding you after you were born for so long...having you to cuddle overnight for one precious night...
Total Memories: 11
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